Anyway, that's where I thought I would start tonight when I decided to attempt "serious cooking."
And though I couldn't find a way to search for recipes by type of cookwear, I did happen upon some directions for a seemingly impressive Spaghetti Bake.
And that's all it took.
Next thing I knew, I was wearing an apron, speaking french and bowing in front of a live TV audience.
I don't know what happened... it's like Martha Stewart and I switched places in time for thirty minutes. I was a different person.
But maybe that's just what happens when you use a casserole dish. Maybe it happens to everyone! Maybe I've stumbled upon a secret that grandmothers have been hiding for years!
Lots of questions here... that's for sure.
All I know is that I made this:

And it started with a casserole dish.
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