I've shared my distaste for the mixing of SPAM and fruit in the past (yesterday, for example), and I stand by that... but vegetables are an entirely different story.
Tonight I introduced SPAM to pesto sauce, added some veggies, baked it all on a tortilla shell and ended up with an incredible lavash-like pizza.
Lavizza, if you will.
And it was so freaking good that I'm going to show you how to make it on your own:

I know... it's suspiciously easy, but that's exactly how it's done. And provided you didn't skip any of those steps, you should have something that looks like this:

Feeling pretty good about it? Well guess what... that was lesson #3!
Surprise! I just didn't want to tell you because I thought you'd be nervous! Man, this is what cooking is all about!
More than a feeling... that's the power of vegetables.
what did you knock off your top 5 to make this in the top 5
I swapped this one with the SPAM Pizza. It was a close battle... but in the end, pesto prevails.
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