Does that weird you out? Because I was a little nervous. I felt like I was meeting my long lost brother - I didn't know what he would look like or if we would act the same way...
But all that anxiety was for nothing. Fried SPAM, sprinkled with a touch of brown sugar... literally, a treat. In fact, it should be sold in shopping mall cookie stores everywhere. That's what I say. And seeing as it was grandpa's suggestion, I think he would agree. So that's two of us.
For dinner, I facilitated the collision of two of my favorite worlds: the world of SPAM and the world of Mexican cusine.
You know what that meant:

It's like Hey Macarena, but for dinner parties instead of wedding receptions. And it was also fantastic. (I think my burps speak for themselves.)
Now I'm heading to the store to get tomorrow's necessities. I'll tell you this... I'm about to do for meatloaf what Mr. T did for mothers.
More tomorrow.
Who knew Mr. T was such an advocate for mothers? However, I did know about spam and brown sugar... thanks to your grandpa.
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