Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Eating my SPAM Breakfast Bagel and reading the newspaper this morning I realized two things. One, that I'm turning into an old man. And I don't say that like... oh, went to bed at 10 last night... I must be getting old. This is me, enjoying the newspaper an hour and a half before work in my underwear because I enjoy it. Those are much more serious symptoms.

And two, that I'm really running out of strong breakfast ideas. I mean, isn't the SPAM Breakfast Bagel just another version of the SPAM McMuffin? I don't like that.

So I've made a new list of morning meals. SPAM in a Blanket, SPAM Quiche... these are the kinds of things you can count on in the coming days. 7:00 am is going to be a hotter time slot from now on.

That's a promise from the old man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's be a bit careful the way you use that old Man termenoligie, as some day you will be there, and it's not funny, However I know what you mean!!!!!!
